what does the word "turnabout" mean? I have tried to translate it but the translation that comes out doesn't make a lot of sense to me. also, can someone show some example sentences with the word? I'm interested, since I'm a fan of Ace Attorney and turnab (2025)


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10 sty 2021

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what does the word "turnabout" mean? I have tried to translate it but the translation that comes out doesn't make a lot of sense to me. also, can someone show some example sentences with the word? I'm interested, since I'm a fan of Ace Attorney and turnabout is a word that pops up quite frequently :) (2)

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10 sty 2021

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A turnabout is a complete change in some policy or a situation.

"The case took an unexpected turnabout and resulted in the conviction of the defendant."

"Can you explain the sudden turnabout in your views on foreign policies?"

what does the word "turnabout" mean? I have tried to translate it but the translation that comes out doesn't make a lot of sense to me. also, can someone show some example sentences with the word? I'm interested, since I'm a fan of Ace Attorney and turnabout is a word that pops up quite frequently :) (4)

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10 sty 2021

  • norweski (Bokmal)
  • angielski (brytyjski)

Punkty Jakości: 353

Odpowiedzi: 127

Liczba polubień: 141

A turnabout is a complete change in some policy or a situation.

"The case took an unexpected turnabout and resulted in the conviction of the defendant."

"Can you explain the sudden turnabout in your views on foreign policies?"

what does the word "turnabout" mean? I have tried to translate it but the translation that comes out doesn't make a lot of sense to me. also, can someone show some example sentences with the word? I'm interested, since I'm a fan of Ace Attorney and turnabout is a word that pops up quite frequently :) (11)

Czy ta odpowiedź była pomocna?


11 sty 2021

  • fiński

Punkty Jakości: 299

Odpowiedzi: 57

Liczba polubień: 42

@vikestart thank you!

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what does the word "turnabout" mean? I have tried to translate it but the translation that comes out doesn't make a lot of sense to me. also, can someone show some example sentences with the word? I'm interested, since I'm a fan of Ace Attorney and turnabout is a word that pops up quite frequently :) (19)

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what does the word "turnabout" mean? I have tried to translate it but the translation that comes out doesn't make a lot of sense to me. also, can someone show some example sentences with the word? I'm interested, since I'm a fan of Ace Attorney and turnabout is a word that pops up quite frequently :) (20)Co to za symbol?

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what does the word "turnabout" mean? I have tried to translate it but the translation that comes out doesn't make a lot of sense to me. also, can someone show some example sentences with the word? I'm interested, since I'm a fan of Ace Attorney and turnabout is a word that pops up quite frequently :) (21)

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what does the word "turnabout" mean? I have tried to translate it but the translation that comes out doesn't make a lot of sense to me. also, can someone show some example sentences with the word? I'm interested, since I'm a fan of Ace Attorney and turnabout is a word that pops up quite frequently :) (22)

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what does the word "turnabout" mean? I have tried to translate it but the translation that comes out doesn't make a lot of sense to me. also, can someone show some example sentences with the word? I'm interested, since I'm a fan of Ace Attorney and turnab (2025)
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Author: Patricia Veum II

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Name: Patricia Veum II

Birthday: 1994-12-16

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Hobby: Rafting, Cabaret, Candle making, Jigsaw puzzles, Inline skating, Magic, Graffiti

Introduction: My name is Patricia Veum II, I am a vast, combative, smiling, famous, inexpensive, zealous, sparkling person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.